Thursday, February 09, 2006

Random Thoughts

Veronica Mars: This was a good episode, but not nearly as good as last week's. Between this week and last week, my respect for Jackie went way up. Could she be this year's Logan? I hated him at the start of last season too. My respect for Logan went way down. Flirty Logan is just kind of nauseating, with his sikeningly sweet voice and lack of wit. I totally think something fishy is up with Hannah's family though. I got bad vibes from her dad. Also, he looked really familiar, and it's bugging me. Don't like cutesy Logan. And it was pretty low of Weevil to use his six-year-old cousin in a robbery, but Veronica so has a soft spot for him anyway. Mostly I felt bad for Keith. He was utterly crushed to learn that Terrence Cook threw that game. He lost his hero in that moment, and Enrico Colantoni sold that emotion so well. Not enough good things can be said about him. And I think it's pretty obvious the Terrence Cook had nothing to do with the bus crash. It's way too early in the season for that.
Lost: I saw the Sawyer conning everyone reversal coming a mile away. Why else would he get the flashbacks? In the beginning of the episode, the flashbacks didn't seem to have anything to do with the island plotline. I knew they had to tie back in at some point. And I'm kind of annoyed, because Sawyer was a character that I really hated at the beginning, but as we learned more about him, my attitude towards him began to soften. All season long I was just wishing they would kill him off, and then when he was shot in the finale, I was really upset, not to mention surprised that I would feel that way. But this episode just brought him back to selfish jackass territory. I'm intrigued by Charlie's dark turn at the end though. I didn't see his involvement coming. He's become an annoyance, so I'm glad they are going in a different direction with the character. I still don't know what to make of Locke, but I could see his point about not wanting to arm everyone, after Michael taking off and Shannon being shot, but I really do think that Jack is right. I don't think they should let themselves be at the mercy of The Others. And we got to see a bit more of Sayid this week, but I still feel that he's being underutilized. Naveen Andrews rocks and I miss him in the episodes that he's not in. Speaking of characters that I miss when they're not around, Mister Ecko is still awesome. He wasn't really in this episode. I just felt the need to say that. All in all, Island politics are heating up and it's pretty intriguing. Can't wait until next week when they finally don't push the damn button. I bet nothing happens.
Young Avengers #10: Is it messed up that I absolutely love this comic book? I feel like I should be too old for it, but it's so good. And I guess it shouldn't be surprising, considering the number of teen shows I watch. If you read it, you know that they introduced a new character, a speedster named Tommy, who just happens to look identical to Billy (aka Wiccan) except for the hair. Given the fact that Billy's connection to Sacrlet Witch has already been established (not to mention the similar powers) and the fact that Tommy has Quicksilver's hair a powers, I'm going to say that Tommy is Billy's long lost twin. I just hope this doesn't mean that Billy will lose it, marry the new Vision (who I think inherited Iron Lad's crush on Cassie), create some imaginary kids and try to kill them all. Tommy, on the other hand, already shows some potential for a turn to the darkside, though I'd prefer it if they keep him as a good guy. All the kids on the team are a bit goody-two-shoes, despite the fact that they constantly disobey rules, so they probably could use the a resident bad boy. And the mystery over whether Teddy is a Kree or a Skrull is interesting. I don't know anything about the Krees, Skrulls, or their war, so I'm going to have to do some research on that.
Runaways: Ever since I read an interview with Joss Whedon where he said that Runaways was his favorite comic book I've been trying to find the trade paperbacks. was out of stock on Volume 1, but I eventually lucked out and found it a Borders. The problem is that I absolutely loved it and now I can't find Volume 2. Grrr. Amazon seems to have all the subsequent volumes in stock though, so I'm going to order them all so I make sure I get them. My only question: why are the TPBs so small? They're not comic book sized. But I guess that's why they're so cheap, so I won't complain too much.
Star Wars Holiday Special: They actually showed a short clip from it last night on Conan. As it's from before my time, I never saw it, so I was fairly excited just to see 30 seconds of it. Harrison Ford was pretty good natured about it, given the fact that he looked, quire rightly, absolutely mortified by its existence. It was hilarious. In just that short clip, you could really pick up on how terrible it was. And creepily enough, I think there was some unresolved sexual tension between Han Solo and one of the wookies. Totally bizzare.
Beastie Boys on Letterman: They were pretty awesome, but I was totally thrown by the fact that they kept cutting to digital camera footage that was filmed by Letterman and Paul Schaefer. I've never seen them do that before. I kinda liked it.
Saw II: I haven't seen the movie, but I just saw a commercial for it. I think I need to find me a guy who would give me a horror movie for Valentine's Day. It's be way better than getting that Reese Witherspoon movie that's being released on DVD the same day.
I'm pretty sure I had more to say, but I really can't remember now. It's late anyway, so it'll have to wait until tomorrow when I give my post mortem on the new Smallville episode. I'm actually really excited about this one, as it's Chloe-centric and has a viewer discretion warning. I love stuff with viewer discretion warnings.

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