Tuesday, February 14, 2006

OH MY GOD! How Awesome Is The Flash?

Justice League Unlimited: Seriously, wasn't Flash and Substance fantastic? One of the most entertaining half hours of television I have seen in a long time. I love how The Flash (and Wally West too) knows everyone's names, and even promises to paint some lady's fence. Of course everyone in Central City loves him. How could they not? I think my favorite scene had to be when The Flash, Batman and Orion go to question The Trickster in the bar. The Flash is so understanding, convincing him to take his meds, saying he would visit him in the hospital, and trusting him to turn himself in. And when he's asking Batman come to the museum opening? Too cute. Also, you could not pull off "Disco of Death" with Batman or Superman without it coming off like a bad Silver Age comic. (I've actually seen that Silver Age comic. It was Superman.) I know that sometimes I tend to favor animated characters based on who does their voice, and The Flash is prime for that as he is voiced by Michael Rosenbaum, but it's impossible not to love The Flash. It's all about him and The Question for me.
In Alexis Denisof news, I never would have guessed he was doing the voice of Mirror Master is I didn't already know. He didn't even sound like him when he's talking with his natural, non-English, accent. In other cool voice casting, Ron Perlman (aka Hellboy) was Orion, and best of all, Mark Hamill was The Trickster. I loved him as The Trickster on The Flash TV series. That was a really good show. (I need to get it on DVD.)
Best Lines:
"You've all been so great to me over the years. I hope I always make you proud. Uh...that's all."
"You're a stand up guy Bats. Don't let anyone ever call you a crazed loner."
"It's not black tie, is it?"
"Bilateral symmetry." (Yeah, I don't know why either, but I love it.)
"Uhhhg. OK. But you guys are so slooow."
"James, your off your meds, aren't you?"
"We'll play darts. The soft kind."
Flash: "Dude, soon as you finish your drink, turn yourself in."
Trickster: "Got me again, Flash."
"Dude, the bad guys went down and nobody got hurt. You know what I call that? A really good day.
Couple of questions about the episode: Wasn't Barry Allen the forensic scientist? Is Wally West one in the comics, or did they just do that for the cartoon? Why are The Flash's villains so trippy? Were the creators doing drugs? What's an Arnold Palmer?
This episode is getting saved on my DVR, just because it puts such a big smile on my face. And speaking of things that will get saved on my DVR...
Arrested Development: I think these were four of the show's funniest episodes. I don't think I can even go into what happened, because it would never make sense unless I explained every little thing. And I know I could never do it justice. But to mention a few of the high points: Justine Bateman, Franklin, Michael constantly waking up next to a family member, Judge Reinhold, the revelation that Lucille was the mastermind behind all of the Bluth Company's dirty dealings, the Iraqi model home full of Saddam impersonators, Buster facing his first and second greatest fears and Ahn Yong's revenge. Oh, and Ron Howard's appearance in the epilogue was a nice touch. I am going to miss this show so much. I really hope Showtime picks it up. Unfortunately, I don't have Showtime, but at least I'd be able to get the DVDs. This is one of the best sit coms ever. It would be a crime for it to go away now, because there is still so much funny left.
Michelle Kwan: I am so upset that she had to drop out of the Olympics. I know it was a long shot, but I was so hoping she'd finally bring home the gold. It would have been that unbelievable, Dan Jansen type moment. And I've been such a big fan of hers for so long. Isn't she everybody's favorite? It just would have been so nice to see her go out on a high note.
On a final note, I couldn't help but be happy for the Chinese pair that won the figure skating silver medal. After the nasty spill the girl took in the short program, they really didn't even seem like they had a shot at any medal. But their long program was almost flawless. It was a truly amazing come from behind, triumphant moment. Too bad they couldn't snatch that gold away from the Russians, but they have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of.

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