Wednesday, May 24, 2006

A Friendly Service Reminder

I a still planning on posting my opinions on the season finales of both Veronica Mars and Smallville. I was just waiting until I had a chance to watch them both again. The Veronica Mars finale I wanted to watch again, because it is hard to digest everything and form an opinion on the first viewing. The Smallville finale I wanted to watch again because I hope it will be better the second time around.

I also just realize that I never commented on the Supernatural finale, which I had intended to do. I've decided it's too late for that now, but I do want to say just one thing about it. And that is: NO! Not the Metallicar... Seriously, the Winchester Boys without their Impala is like Michael Knight without KITT.

Finally, since this entry is all about shows on the future CW, what was up with all the beards? I think the Smallville boys (2 current and 1 former) must have made some sort of pact, or maybe it has something to do beiong stuck up in Vancouver. I like Tom Welling's the best. He looks like the prettiest lumberjack ever.

I just wanted to add that I also have a pretty big Spider-Man rant that's been brewing for a while, so that's going to be coming up. And I hope to see X-Men 3 this weekend, so I plan on getting a review (or rant) up fot that. I'm going to be out of town for the long weekend, so I probably won't get to any of this before net week though. Expect the X3 review to be my next update (unless I don't get to see the movie), since I will try to get that up on Monday night. If I wait to long, I might have forget the details, and then I'll have to see it again. If the movie is what I expect it to be, I really don't want to give FOX my money twice.

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