Sunday, August 20, 2006

Fun With Lists

A of at directed me to James Gunn's blog and I realized two things: 1) James Gunn is very cool, both as a person and as the director of the Dawn of the Dead remake, and 2) this blog needs more lists. So, in that spirit, I am going to list my 25 favorite characters, just like James Gunn did. Later I might even take another page from Mr. Gunn's book and list 100 things I love and 100 things I hate. Anyway, a note before I begin, unlike James Gunn and Joss Whedon's lists, Whedonverse characters will be all over this motherfucker. However, I will try to stick to the rules of not including any puppets or cartoon characters (making it a very difficult list to compile) and to only include characters that are regulars on the show.
Now on to the list of my 25 favorite television characters, presented in no particular order:
1) Buffy Summers (Sarah Michelle Gellar, Buffy the Vampire Slayer) - OK, this one actually is in order, since she is deffinitely my favorite television character ever.
2) Jack Bristow (Victor Garber, Alias)
3) Sydney Bristow (Jennifer Garner, Alias)
4) Veronica Mars (Kristen Bell, Veronica Mars)
5) Malcolm Reynolds (Nathan Fillion, Firefly) - James Gunn may have left him off but I sure as hell wasn't going to.
6) Wonder Woman (Lynda Carter, Wonder Woman)
7) Jayne Cobb (Adam Baldwin, Firefly)
8) Brother Justin (Clancy Brown, Carnivale) - the rules say no cartoon characters, but Clancy Brown had to be represented, even if not as Lex Luthor
9) Agent Dale Cooper (Kyle MacLachlan, Twin Peaks)
10) Spike (James Marsters, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel)
11) Spock (Leonard Nimoy, Star Trek)
12) Bill Haverchuck (Martin Starr, Freaks and Geeks)
13) The Tick (Patrick Warburton, The Tick) - Thank god there was a live action version
14) Captain Kirk (William Shatner, Star Trek) - Shatner's Roast is on right now and I realized that there is no way the greatest Star Trek captain does not make my list
15) House (Hugh Laurie, House)
16) Buster Bluth (Tony Hale, Arrested Development)
17) Gob Bluth (Will Arnett, Arrested Development)
18) Willow Rosenberg (Alyson Hannigan, Arrested Development)
19) Rob Petrie (Dick Van Dyke, The Dick Van Dyke Show)
20) Dr. Bob Hartley (Bob Newhart, The Bob Newhart Show)
21) Wesley Wyndham Price (Alexis Denisof, Angel)
22) David Brent (Ricky Gervais, The Office UK)
23) Stephen Colbert (The Colbert Report)
24) Aeryn Sun (Claudia Black, Farscape)
25) Timmy(Josh Ryan Evans, Passions)
Man, that list was so hard to come up with. I didn't think I could make it to 25 without cartoon characters, but now that I'm done I feel like I left people out. Oh well, I'm sticking with it. Who do you think I should have put on the list?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's a good thing you had a rule of no cartoon characters or I'd be pissed that you didn't mention Barney Rubble.